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Hitman 3 official launch date 20 Jan 2021


There is an information about the Hitman 3 that it man 3 will be coming  next year..but we don't have any official date but now we have an official date that date is 20 Jan 2020 on that day Hitman is officially released for the current and the next-generation 
consoles as well you can get it on PC.

The company is also announced that they are giving bonus if anyone by the digital version of the game on the PlayStation 4 for Xbox ..and if you purchase it on PlayStation 4 you can I get the digital copy without any cost on PlayStation 5 on Xbox. This is going to be very good the Hitman 3 is coming soon in jan .
The company also stated that that there is no difference between any pre order or if you buy it later you will upgrade it .. free of cost.

The company announced that the game will be available at deluxe edition for pre order and you can also get it on standard base.
there are also a pre-order this week was pretty pack in which the agent 47 get different different costumes cosmetic outfit and briefcase and specific version as well as a hitman bearing logo.

So in the last Hitman 3 is going to be launch on Jan 20 2020 it will be released on both 3 platforms Xbox PlayStation as well as PC

Thank you for this
©Naman kataria

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