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Two point hospital is now free to play on steam!!go and play


So hey everyone there is one more new game free to play on steam.

This game is free to play because the developers of the game is playing their two years anniversary so the game is free to play on steam so you can play it it will end in 2 days..

The game is free to play now it is on sale

Two point Hospital

So gaye the game is free to play to 31st August and the game is on 70% discount on the base variant of the game and the expansion pack of the game you can get on 50% discount on steam so this is a golden opportunity if you want to play this game or buy this game 

The game look like a stimulation game which you can play on your mobile like hospital tycoon so the game is based on the hospital how can you customise your hospital in different different various places.

You can easily customise everything in this game from  furniture two offices and everything.

If you want to play this game with free version then you can play sandbox version.

This game is available on PS4 Xbox X and on switch.

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