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Cod is going to take $70 for Next gen consoles!!


Credit -actvitsim 

In recent blog we talk that Hitman 3 is going to be free of cost if we forget it to next-generation consoles mean on ps5 and xbox X it will cost us 0rs 

but it is not same with call of duty call of duty is going to be of $70 if we purchase it on ps5 vs XBOX x and in your mind there is a question that why COD is going to be of 70$

The company confirm that the game on the current gen consoles are of $60 if you take the corrosion bundle in which both the game are included for next-generation consoles and for current generation console it would cost dollar 70.

But there are question about PC how much it will be cost for PC so according to me it will be priced $70 or more for PC users.

Thank you for this we will update it more if any information come.

©Naman kataria

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