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Cod ray tracing trailer revealed


Credit activism

Call of duty Black ops is going to release soon worldwide and it is going to be the amazing. The call of duty beta was released before some I am writing this article

This article is about that call of duty Ray tracing trailer revealed by Nvidia.

Now you are thinking what is Ray tracing. A Ray tracing is of graphical thing that is used to see  the game what is responding.this is for the photo mode of the game in simple language

Nvidia yesterday shared some cutscenes and the gameplay of the new game announced by activism call of duty Black ops...they revealed the ray tracing trailer..

Ray tracing is a process in which the game are are rendered in a way that they look realistic... So this is Ray tracing it is not a very  complicating thing.. it's easy .

you also see this re tracking Tech technique in cyberpunk 2077 which is the most awaited upcoming game with Ray tracing feature. There is a clot reflects light reality in that game and that look to be very realistic.

call of duty Black ops cold war was announced by the activism last month and their beta are also distributed among the users of the game and dash game is available on PS4 PC and Xbox one it also be available on the next generation console it have the ability so so there are no information about that they come or not the game against for the next-generation consoles.

The graphics card used in in this is Nivedita Jain force rtx 2080 super graphics cardthe hardware is a very good hardware it improves the game and give your immersive experience and the realistic game experience the realistic and environment it has 60 frame per second.

Thank you for this
©Naman kataria

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