Hey guys, I am back with new article in this article we are talking about the pubg will it come back in India and what is the future of the gaming in India? These are the questions which are asked by the many of the people after the ban of pubg mobile in India.
recently the Government of the India band 118 apps under article 68A of information technology in this article the government stated that For national security of the citizens of the India.
But in which the pubg lite and pubg mobile is also included.and we all know that that is a very popular game they are most of the people in India who do live streaming of this game. And the people are also like this game from 2-3 years, after the pubg game in India there will be a huge improvement and growth in the gaming industry in India, is very popular in the India only it is very popular in the world, according to the reports that tencent games who owns the pubg mobile a good amount of money in July which is near 200 million dollars..or more ..
But the government decided to ban it for the national security. But the pub g is not a Chinese game the mobile version of the pubg is under the tencent games which is a Chinese game development company, but the original game is developed by bluehole which is a South Korean company, can the company blue hole also release the statement that they released why India bans pubg and they are ready to take the steps as per the Govt of India said:
And there is some information which I know that that that the blue hole corporation, switch on the pubg,is taking the share of the mobile version of the game in India,and they decided to maintain a distance from the tencent games in India, they also said that that the blue hole corporation also said that that they will store all the data in India at local level, this is very good news for the pubg the players who play pubg in India, this is the hope that pubg will come back in India
But on the day in which the pubg mobile ban in India,tencent game lowest 34 billion dollars and his share value is droped!
and the news is confirmed by the global corporation that they will come back in India with all the operations of the pubg mobile in India according to the rules which are set by the government of India they work on that, show that the pubg mobile can be come back soon in India,in a statement they also said that that we are agree with the statement of the Government of India with the ban of the pubg mobile in India and they decided the tencent games and other Chinese company would not take the operations of the pubg mobile, original company bluehole we take all the operations of pubg mobile in India, and we also ensure the Government of the India that data will be stored at the local level.
there are also some news which are coming from Akshay Kumar Instagram post that Instagram post says that they are coming, and the ncore games is the developer of this game named Fau-G , that is dedicated to the brave soldiers of our country.
Thank you
Naman kataria